Administration Guide : Command-line manual pages

OPI(8) manual page


opi - Replace FPO's with high resolution images.


/usr/etc/appletalk/opi [ -dlevel |-D ] [ -f ] [ -m size ] [ -o :options ] [ -p printer ] inputfile


opi takes a PostScript file that may contain FPO images, and inserts the appropriate high-resolution images in the correct places in the file. The resulting stream is written to standard output. Using `-' as an inputfile will cause opi to read from standard input. Options for controlling the replacment are either provided on the command line with a -o option, passed in via the PostScript stream from the papserver(8) or hotfd(8) programs (see below), or provided in a printcap(5) entry for the specified printer.

Only error messages will be printed to standard error unless a level of debugging is enabled in the printer's configuration. Debugging options can be overridden with the -d flag. Level is a bitmask of debugging items, documented in opidebug(5) . Full verbose debugging is enabled with the -D option.

If the -f option is present, opi will not produce any normal output, but will simply read its input and simulate OPI-replacement without copying image data. This is for testing OPI comments to see if any of the "error" conditions listed in the table below are tripped without actually doing all the work of reading images and writing output. Note that all debugging and error message are still written to stderr. The preflight(1) program runs opi with this option.

The -m option sets the maximum size (in kilobytes) for PostScript Virtual Memory objects. Currently, the only PostScript VM object created by opi is one "stripe" of a larger masked image. And these are only created when the destination RIP is PostScript level 2 (set from the ll key - see below) or higher. The default size is 480.

In addition to the standard OPI PostScript comments interpreted by opi, it also accepts a comment of the form


to set picture replacement (and other) parameters. The options themselves are a colon-separated list of 2-letter key/value pairs (a la printcap(5) ). These options may actually come from one of three places; a -o command-line option, the printcap entry for printer, or an embedded PostScript comment. If command-line options are present, the other two sources will be ignored. Otherwise, the printcap options will be overridden by the embedded options based on the "qX" key, described below. Supported keys are as follows:

KeyTypeWhat it controls
anstringAppleTalk printer name, used to detect Contex
asbooleansend pictures in ASCII (7-bit data) mode, else 8-bit
cbinteger100 times the percentage of image cropping rectange
  to add to all four edges of the cropped image size.
ckbooleancauses all RGB and LAB images to be converted to CMYK
cpstringpathname to ICC Color profile selected for the queue
csbooleando not use previews for DCS files that cannot be parsed
  down to their pixels when printing in composite mode.
  Each channel is instead wrapped with level-2 PostScript
  that allows a RIP in CMYK mode to recomposite them.
dcbooleanremove OPI comments from the PostScript stream when
  an image is successfully replaced
djbooleandecode all EPS-JPEGs into pixels (if the output is
  PS level 2 or higher, JPEGs are usually passed through)
dNbooleanuse /DeviceN colorspace in order to include spot colors
  in images replaced in composite mode to PS level 3 output
eibooleanwrites the ICC Profile (see ``cp'' above) into the
  PostScript so that Xinet-made PDFs will include it
faintegerfor any replaced image that has expired via Venture's
  Asset Timer feature: 1 - watermark it, 2 - fail the job
fbbooleanexit with an error if any errors are encountered
  while reading a replaced image
fmbooleanexit with an error if a filename in OPI comments
  cannot be resolved
fnbooleanexit with an error if a filename in OPI comments refers
  to an AppleShare volume not on the server
frbooleanexit with an error if an attempt is made to OPI-replace
  an RGB-format image (without ICC profiles being used)
grintegerif non-zero (or if the option is presented without a
  value) convert all pictures to gray scale before output
histringWNVenture FileID prefix for URL (see hn ). Default: -id+
  The FileID is placed after this string, followed by a
  `+' and the path to the image, all after the hn string.
hnstringURL prefix for PDF Annotations on placed images (if
  annotation info is in the PostScript). Annotations can
  be disabled by setting this to a blank string (:hn=:).
  These image link annotations are disabled by default.
idstringdirectory to look for images that can't otherwise be found
itbooleanignore transfer functions and half tone screens
  embedded in photoshop style EPS files.
jpintegersend pictures JPEG compressed. The value is a quality
  factor (0 -> 100). Setting this overrides the as key.
lbbooleanuse a box-oriented algorithm to output TIFF/IT LW layers,
  making PostScript that is quicker to RIP, but may not look
  as clean as the default encoding when RIPped at low-res.
libooleanprint the filename of a replaced image on the image
llintegerPostScript language level of destination RIP
maboolean(only from PostScript) - causes OPI position coordinates
  to be used only as limits, preserving image aspect ratio
mdintegerInk Density limit for CMYK images (after any conversion).
  This value is an 8-bit pixel quantity (i.e. 200% would be
  510). An image over the limit causes an error exit.
nibooleanturns off the feature to use special FullPress OPI
  comments to locate and replace images by File ID
nmbooleanif set, and an image is replaced via File or Directory
  ID, the last component of the file must match the last
  component of the filename present in OPI comments
npbooleancauses an error exit if input PostScript is separated
odintegerOPI debug levels
orfloatoutput resolution, in DPI, to scale all images that are
  not preceeded by positioning OPI comments. This option
  also overrides any DPI setting from the "rp" key, above
qXstringspecifies the printer these options were made for.
  If it matches the printer from the -p option (or is
  ``*'') these options will override the printcap options
rpstringno or 0 means don't replace, full (the default)
  means replace at original resolution, else this is the
  (floating point) DPI at which to replace pictures
smintegerEnables/Disables "SoftMask" image support (only useful
  when making 1.4-or-newer PDFs via FullPress). The option
  is automatically enabled for appropriate PDF queues, but
  this key overrides it (0: off , anything else: on ).
tgbooleantreat all greyscale images as if they were transparent (i.e.
  a smooth transition from opaque black to transparent white).
  This is only effective when the output is a FullPress-made
  PDF and the PDF compatibility level is 1.4 or higher .
thfloatsets a threshhold percentage above which scaling is done on
  a replaced image. If scaling (up or down) to the requested
  resolution results in a dimension change of less than
  this percent, scaling is not done. The default is 5.
tkbooleantells opi that the job is going to a tektronix printer
  that takes separations and produces composite output.
  This changes usage of the PostScript image operator.
upbooleanenables image up-sampling to the replacement DPI
utstringpathname to an Unsharp Mask filter table file
vbbooleanenables Black Point Compensation when doing ICC conversions
vcintegeroverrides the independent Color Verite option for allowing
  CMYK-to-CMYK image color conversion. zero disables the
  conversion, non-zero enables it.
veintegeroverrides the independent Color Verite option for using
  color profiles embedded in images. zero disables using
  the profiles. A value of 8 enables non-CMYK profiles
  only. Any other value enables all profiles.
vnbooleandisables ICC conversion of pixels during OPI replacement.
  Images are written in their original colorspace along with
  their ICC profile (for `color managed' PDF output).
vointegerenable/disable Color Verite if present (overriding Color
  Verite's independent on/off switch). zero turns it off.
vrintegersets the "preferred" rendering intent for ICC color
  conversion. This will be ignored if the profiles used
  for conversion do not support the intent. Values are:
    0: Perceptual, 1: Relative Colorimetric,
    2: Saturation, 3: Absolute Colorimetric
xabooleanexit with an error if the PostScript did not include
  data from a Xinet Annotator plugin or XTension
xdbooleando not put the "composite preview" of DCS images on
  plates they do not include (when printing separations).


Contains print-queue parameters for the -p option.
AppleShare volume list for the server, to map OPI comments to the filesystem.
Color Verite options and Default ICC profiles for images with none embedded in them.
Directory conatins databases of AppleShare File IDs used to locate OPI-replacement images.
If found in the current working directory, this PostScript Printer Description file can pre-set the output PostScript language level (the ``ll'' key, above) and can override the default ``full'' replacement with the printer's Screen resolution.

See Also

ksd(8) , mkfpo(1) , opidebug(5)