Portal Administration Guide : Customize Xinet Portal : Advanced Xinet Portal Tags: _LINK and _SOURCE tags

Advanced Xinet Portal Tags: _LINK and _SOURCE tags
Note: Many Xinet Portal tags are straight-forward to use. To tap their functionality, you simply place them on a page. There are, however, tags that require some additional explanation. We have included these in separate “Advanced Portal Tags” sections.
The tags in the _LINK and _SOURCE families help create custom links.
_LINK Tags
_LINK tags allow you to create links for common functions; for example, accessing Image Info or downloading an FPO.
Please refer to Xinet Technote 330 for more information about and an example of using a _LINK tag.
Tag definition and use
The following table defines each _LINK tag function. Keep in mind that some of the tags (marked by an asterisk below) will only show up after you engage the Force Portal to generate all available TAGS (performance hit for enabling this option) button in the site’s Configuration page.
URL to open Approval Manager
For future development]
URL to Uploader Distributor
URL for Image Info
URL to open Version interface
URL to switch to Gallery View
URL for Image Info
URL to mview of a file
URL to open User Preferences
URL to the small Web preview (could be large if config setting of SMALL_PREVIEW_MAX is above 112). Similar to {SP_LINK}.
URL to display summaries of tools in mview palette, such as number of Annotations, number of metadata fields, number of Versions.
URL to toplevel
URL to show the Versioning Plug-in interface for the file
URL to open View options
The_SOURCE tags provide the source for a file’s small preview and icon preview. Use them to create custom functionality activated by clicking on a small or icon preview.
Example: Downloading high-resolution file when clicking on the document icon
In Icon View, the built-in tag {IP} normally displays the file’s icon which, when clicked, calls mview for the file. Say, you would like to download the high-resolution version of the file when clicking the icon instead. Here’s how to make that change:
Delete the {IP} tag from the file_table_icon.tmpl.html template
<a href={HIGH_LINK}>{IP_SOURCE}</a>
Tag definition and use
The following table presents the arrays and CGIs with which _SOURCE tags can be used.These tags may only show up after you engage the Force Portal to generate all available TAGS (performance hit for enabling this option) button in the site’s Configuration page.
afr (after submit)
Tag definitions:
AS_SOURCE The source HTML for the archive image (i.e., the green or red triangle that indicates archive status). It is only available in the files_info and file_info arrays; not in dir_info, versions_info nor links_info.
SP_SOURCE Small preview or icon without link.
IP_SOURCE Icon preview without link. Can be used in all three browsing styles.