• Portal Marquee theme users have the option to filter their quick searching by selecting either File names only or Everywhere. Assets found are displayed in the Portal view and the Filters tab displays associated metadata and the number found.
Search Query Tips:
• Alternatively, to search for a particular file name (“filename” in this example), use the following query:
solr:dir:0 AND utf8name:(filename)
• To search for a particular directory (“dirname” in this example), use the following query:
solr:dir:1 AND utf8name:(dirname)
• Specify strings and/or numbers to match the specified value in filenames, file attributes [Type and Kind/Creator filters], annotations, keyword metadata, and text content. Note, searching for Last modified and Created on filters is not supported.For example, IDC15.Tip: When typing a search term without using any operators, the OR operator is used by default.For example, in my asset database I have the assets My House.jpg, John Smith.jpg, and Joanne Doe.jpg. Searching for the following, house OR Joanne, returns both MY House.jpg and Joanne Doe.jpg.For example, to search for Foo OR Doe AND Tree, returns assets that use Tree and either term Foo or Doe.For example, Foo -Bar. This search query returns all assets using the term Foo except those using the term Bar in their filenames, file attributes, metadata, or text content.For example, in my asset database I have three assets; My House.jpg, Joannes House.png, and Joanne Doe.jpg. Searching for the following, house +Joanne, returns JoannesHouse.png and Joanne Doe.jpg.For example, in my asset database I have assets called Hickory Tree.jpg and Chicory Plant.jpg. Searching for Tree Plant ^2, displays Chicory Plant.jpg as the first asset listed in the display area followed by Hickory Tree.jpg since we have boosted the term Plant. Removing the boost factor value reverses the order displayed since Tree is the first search term in the query.For example, to search for the word Xinet and Interchange within 10 words of each other in a document, use the search “Xinet Interchange”-10.For example, in my asset database, I have assets called Hickory Tree.jpg, Chicory Plant.jpg, and Joanne Doe.jpg. Searching for Hickory~ returns both Hickory Tree.jpg and Chicory Plant.jpg because both terms Hickory and Chicory are similar.
• The data field can also be a built-in Solr field name such as: annotations, annotationscomment, annotationsstamp, annotationstext, archived, comments, createdate, creator, dir, fileid, filter, fullpath, fullpath_sort, modifydate, online, parentfileid, parentfolder, parentpathids, pathid, textcontent, type, utf8name, utf8name_sort, volid.
• To search for metadata in the field “Object Name” for files only (not directories), use the following query:
solr:dir:0 AND Object Name:(Steve)