Historically, PORTALADMIN authentication needs the nativeadmin password of the WNV. This is very difficult to do if you are using both SAML and non-SAML environments. To avoid this difficult situation, there is a DEFAULTS.php option named
ADMIN_HTTPD_AUTH. If set to true, this will move control of authentication to the Portal server’s Apache server. You will have to log in as “nativeadmin” when asked for a user name, which is different from non-SAML PORTALADMIN, which doesn't ask for a user name.
This option will only be available as of Portal 19.0, which contains /usr/etc/portal/PORTAL/libs/PORTALADMIN.obj.php to support this authentication option.
In /usr/etc/portal/PORTAL/defaults/DEFAULTS.php, change the value of the
ADMIN_HTTPD_AUTH variable to true:
In th example below, the italics show what is removed, and
bold text what is added. Italics within a bold line shows fields that need to be edited.
IMPORTANT: Note that even though PORTALADMIN is now set up to use SAML, you will still need to configure any
new sites later created to use SAML.