Move aside the login.tmpl.html file from the
/Library/WebServer/Documents/<Portal Site>/templates folder. The name of the Portal site will vary depending on the name you chose when you created the Portal site.
Replace the startup.php in the base folder of the site with the Xinet-provided
SAML-startup.php file, which should already be present in the base folder. An example base site would look like
/Library/WebServer/Documents/<Portal Site>.
Back up the existing index.php and replace it with the provided
SAML-index.php, which should already be present in the base folder.
Edit in
/Library/WebServer/Documents/<Portal Site>. Within the main
<?php ... ?> tags, edit or add the following lines:
Back up the existing, if it exists, and replace it with the provided, found in
The should have been run to create the entry for the Xinet server.
The saml20-sp-remote.php file is in
/var/simplesamlphp/metadata/ on the IdP server. In it, copy the
$metadata entry made for the Xinet Server earlier in this document and add it as a new entry. (If the
$metadata entry is missing, your Xinet server may not yet be configured to use SAML; see the prerequisites at the beginning of this section.) You should now have two entries that are identical.
Edit the following lines in only the copied entry using your specific values for entity ID,
Portal IP address or
hostname, and
Portal Site Name. All other lines remain unchanged.
Edit the <Directory /usr/etc/webnative> section of
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf on the Xinet server. Make sure to edit so that you are using the values specific to your machine. The entries should follow this format and you will need to supply the Portal Site Name, entity ID, and the IP address or hostname of the Portal server: