Warning: Do not use yum to install the mellon module. It will not work. The Xinet module has been modified to accommodate Portal sites and will conflict with the mellon module.Xinet provides a modified mod_auth_xinetsaml.so library that supports Portal sites. Get the correct version for your server (Redhat 6 or 7 is supported) and put it on your Xinet server.An example would be creating /etc/httpd/xinetsaml as user "apache", mode 700, and copying the XML to "idp-metadata.xml" in that folder.Use the Xinet provided script mellon_create_metadata.sh to generate the necessary output../mellon_create_metadata.sh <EntityID> http://<WNHOST>/webnative/mellon
1. Take the contents of the XML file that was just created ("xinet.15.webnative.xml" in the example above) and convert it using the XML to SimpleSAMLphp metadata converter in the Tools section of the Federation tab of the simplesaml IdP server.
3. Click on Parse.
3. Note: Google IdP requires https for the ACS URL.The .cert and .key files created by mellon_create_metadata.sh need to go where Apache on the Xinet server can access them.Copy the .cert and .key files to /etc/httpd/xinetsaml on the Xinet server and note this location. The location is arbitrary, but the location will be used in the Add Mellon entries to httpd.conf section.This entry points to the location of mod_auth_xinetsaml.so that was determined in the Install mod_auth_xinetsaml.so library section.To create the conf file to load the module, /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/10-saml.conf, run:Note: If /etc/httpd/conf.d/10-auth_mellon.conf exists delete it. It also means the standard mellon auth module had been installed on this machine!For Xinet server configuration, you have to add the Mellon module configuration to three sections in the httpd.conf file. Once for each area on the filesystem that Xinet uses.This information is in the /var/simplesamlphp/attributemap/name2oid.php file on the SimpleSAML IdP server. Search for “userid” in that file and use that value. It will have a similar format to the value in the examples below.The string you chose for the Xinet Service Provider Entity ID in the Create Entity ID names section.The italics show what is removed, and bold text what is added. Italics within a bold line shows fields that need to be edited.Taking note, again, of the above entries that will need specific information for your set up, update the information for the WebNative document directory section. (The italics show what is removed, and bold text what is added. Italics within a bold line shows fields that need to be edited.)Taking note, again, of the above entries that will need specific information for your set up, update the WebNative styles directory section. (The italics show what is removed, and bold text what is added. Italics within a bold line shows fields that need to be edited.)