Client Guide : Before You Begin : Using FPOs (For Placement Only)

Using FPOs (For Placement Only)
When you copy an image in a Xinet high-resolution volume, Xinet automatically and quickly creates a low-resolution equivalent placement view inside the corresponding FPO volume. The server also creates custom icons when it is creating FPOs, and if your network administrator chooses to turn on the option, PICT or TIFF placement previews. Not all Macintosh applications use PICT placement previews, so your system administrator may or may not enable this option, depending which applications your site uses and how much available disk space there is at your site. The administrator may choose to enable the feature on a per-shared-disk basis, so all shared volumes at your site may not necessarily have this feature enabled.
If you want to change the images themselves, edit the high-resolution images to which the FPOs refer. The Xinet provides a number of shortcuts for opening high-resolution image files:
With FPO generation enabled on a volume, the server will automatically reflect any changes made to the original file in its FPO equivalent image. It is therefore possible for one person to edit the high-resolution original at the same time another person does page layout with its FPO—and, with Picture Wrangler keeping image links up-to-date, have perfect print results in the end.
To incorporate FPOs in your work, simply “import,” “link” or “get” an FPO image using the built-in image placement facilities of the Macintosh application you are using. The fact that you are using an FPO shouldn’t alter the way you use Macintosh applications. The server will apply any attributes you apply to the FPO (changes in size, cropping, tinting, skewing, etc. that are set in your layout program, as opposed to image-editing software) to the high-resolution version at print time.
FPO resolution
Most FPOs will be at a resolution of 72 dpi. You shouldn’t notice much difference in the way images look on your screen. Xinet software does, however, offer system administrators the option of setting up volumes which create FPOs at a resolution different than 72 DPI. Your system administrator can tell you whether you have other resolutions available.
For what kinds of images does the server create FPOs?
The Xinet creates FPO files (either EPS or TIFF) for images from a variety of formats, as listed below. This makes it possible for you to incorporate some images in your documents, for example, Photoshop Native images in InDesign files, which otherwise you might not be able to use.
There may be instances, based on system administration options, when the server will not create FPOs for some files, e.g., the server may be optionally configured so that it does not create FPOs for vector EPS and/or PDF files.
File locking
FPO images
Images inside FPO volumes are copy-protected on OS X. Although you may change many printing parameters applied to those images through a layout application, you cannot change/save the actual contents of the FPO images directly. You must change the high-resolution corollary to change its FPO.
High-resolution images
The Xinet server enforces standard AppleShare file locking. Most applications will only allow one person at a time to edit an image in a high-resolution volume. The first person to open the image will have write permission. While another user may be able to look at the image at the same time, he or she will not be able to save a change to the image. (Photoshop presents a notable exception. See Use care when editing Photoshop files for details.
Renaming, moving or deleting images
The Xinet server automatically generates low-resolution FPOs for any image you place in a high-resolution volume, giving the FPO image the same name as its high-resolution corollary. At a later time, if you change the name of the high-resolution image, the FPO version will reflect the same name change.
On OS X systems, FPOs are copy protected. If you want to change names or locations of FPOs, make those changes in the high-resolution volume.
You may also drag images from the high resolution volume to the Trash. Doing so also removes the FPO corollaries from the low-resolution FPO volume. The converse is not true, however; because they are locked or copy-protected, you cannot drag FPO images to the Trash.
Time stamping
To synchronize time across the work-group, OS X users should make use of Network Time Protocol (NTP) technology. (See for more details.) NTP allows your Macintosh to periodically synchronize time with a central server. To make sure you are doing so, check your settings in your System Preferences’ Date & Time dialog. Make sure that the Set Date & Time automatically option is engaged, as shown below.
Setting the date and time (OS X)
If your Xinet server provides NTP services (check with your system administrator), you probably want to direct your Macintosh to those services. If not, everyone in your work-group should choose the same server from one of Apple’s default services in the pop-up menu.