Administration Guide : Configuring the Xinet Server for Drag and Drop and Linked Files : Configuring Xinet Metadata ID on Client Systems

Configuring Xinet Metadata ID on Client Systems
Clients must install the Xinet Support ID and Metadata ID plug-ins to use InDesign. For Windows clients, go to the Adobe Add-ons store. Mac OS X client software is available on the MacFiles volume (the installer is called Xinet Client.mpkg). For installation details, see the Client Guide (Appendix B: InDesign Tips).
When a user who has installed Xinet Support ID saves a file, plug-in places a “slug” inside the document. Depending on the settings the user has established for the plug-in, the slug may contain two previews of each spread in the document (a thumbnail and a 72 dpi preview) and information about every image used in the file (name, directory ID, coordinates, etc.).
Xinet Metadata ID Configuration (Defaults)
This plug-in provides the configuration shown in the table below. The preferences apply to the current user (and cannot be set for individual documents). We recommend you leave the default values as is.
These keys are stored in the host operating system's native format, namely:
The following steps provide information on how to update these keys on their respective operating systems.
Update these Settings on macOS (not recommended)
To change these settings on macOS, run the following commands in Terminal on the command-line of the currently logged in user.
Update MaxPreviewSize on macOS:
Note: MaxPreviews can be changed while InDesign is running, but you must quit InDesign before the change will take effect.
To limit the maximum preview size to 600 pixels,.run the following command:
defaults write com.xinet.indesign.webnative MaxPreviewSize -int 600
To revert to the default value of 1600 pixels, run the following command:
defaults write com.xinet.indesign.webnative MaxPreviewSize -int 1600
Update SaveImageInfo on macOS:
To turn this key off (and prevent Metadata ID from saving this information) on macOS, run the following command:
defaults write com.xinet.indesign.webnative SaveImageInfo -bool FALSE
To revert again to the default value, run the following command:
defaults delete com.xinet.indesign.webnative SaveImageInfo
Update WhichPreviews on macOS:
To make Metadata ID only add thumbnails to the document (value 1), run the following command:
defaults write com.xinet.indesign.webnative WhichPreviews -int 1
To revert to the default value:
defaults delete com.xinet.indesign.webnative WhichPreviews
Update these Settings on Windows (not recommended)
For Windows, use the built-in Registry Editor. The path for Metadata ID's preferences is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Xinet\InDesign\WebNative\.
Each setting has its own DWORD entry, as detailed below:
SaveImageInfo uses a value of 0 for false and 1 for true.
WhichPreviews uses the values listed in the table above.
Note: MaxPreviews can be changed while InDesign is running, but you must quit InDesign before the change will take effect.
Xinet Support ID
There are currently no settings for Xinet Support ID.
(For previous Xinet versions, it was possible to determine whether drags of assets on mounted volumes linked to the FPO or high-resolution volume.)