Located within the paired Xinet Portal tags are the variable data tags. These tags are easily identifiable as they are enclosed in brackets and appear as text in the HTML code of your Xinet Portal template. Looking at the code in the toplevel.tmpl.html file shown in page 730, locate these variable data tags: {UN} {LANG_VOLHEAD} {SITE_URL}.The rest of this section of the manual presents an overview of these tags. For a complete list, including some less general categories, please refer to Appendix: Xinet Portal Tags and Templates.General Page tags present information and graphics specific to the actions or navigation of a page. These variable data tags will be located inside the Xinet Portal array:
Top Level:Production Volume cell tags present information and graphics relevant to available Xinet volumes. These variable data tags will be located inside the Xinet Portal tag:
{NAME} or {VOLUME_NAME} or {FILE_NAME} Name of Xinet server, from config.inc.php {VN} or {FN} File/Directory cell tags present information and graphics associated with a file and/or directory. These variable data tags will be located inside one of these Xinet Portal arrays:
{FILE_NAME} or {FN} {FT} or {HIT} User Xinet uploaded this file from on Oct. 12 11:22
Image Info link
{IP} or {ICON_PREVIEW} See Advanced Xinet Portal Tags: _Using Keyword Tags for instructions on how to use these. See the "_LINK Tags” on page 795 for instructions on how to use these. See the "_SOURCE Tags” on page 798 for instructions on how to use these. Keyword row tags present information and graphics associated with keywords. These variable data tags will be located inside the Xinet Portal array:
For the more advanced Web designer, we have provided some advanced file and directory cell tags. Examples of these advanced variable data tags are provided below. See _LINK Tags for instructions about how to use these.
URL to browse the current path URL to download the high-resolution file URL to download the FPO of the file