The Logging, Status page summarizes Xinet services, for example., those processes that run in the background to enable and keep track of such things as file sharing, making various kinds of previews, print spooling, and database activities. It provides a quick overview of potential issues whenever you need to troubleshoot your system.
Shows the status of the ksd(1M) file system server. This daemon uses either TCP/IP and/or AppleTalk protocols to service file system requests from remote clients. See ksd(1M) for details.You can find out more about what’s going on by reviewing the at_log on the Logging, Xinet System page. Turn to Xinet System for more information about that page. Shows the status of the fpod(1M) daemon. This daemon receives information from the ksd(1M) daemon and from the Xinet database. It is responsible for generating For Placement Only and Web versions of images in the proper format, depending on how you’ve configured the system. See fpod(1M) for details.For more information about any problems, look at the Logging, Preview Generation, Pending page and the fpo_log shown on the Logging, Preview Generation, FPO/WEB History page. FPO/WEB History provides more information. Shows the status of the jgui(1M) program which provides remote service for administration of some aspects of Xinet. It works in conjunction with the Xinet Admin client application, a JAVA application that implements the client side of the protocol. See jgui(1M) for more information. Shows the status of spoolers on the server. Scan the at_log for information about problems with individual spoolers. You can find it on the Logging, Xinet System pageThe Print/Hot Folder/Spoolers/Summary page provides an overview of spoolers that have been configured on your server. The Logging, Print Daemon page allows you to monitor issues recorded in the error_log. The Print Daemon log provides more information about the error_log. Reports the status of the hotfd(1M) program, which monitors any hot folder configured on the system. (When files appear in the folders, it submits them via the local printing system to the appropriate printer.) Shows the status of the dblogd(8) daemon, which is responsible for transmitting events on the Xinet server to its MySQL database. See dblogd(8) for details.Look first at the Database, Admin, Summary page for information about the daemon if you see problems here, and then, scan the venture.log, which is shown on the Logging, Database page. The Database log provides more information about that page.