Client Guide : Using Xinet Portal : Administrative Privileges

Administrative Privileges
Your system administrator may have granted you Administrative Privileges on the Xinet server, allowing you to undertake administrative work typically reserved for the nativeadmin user. (The option isn’t available when you only have access via Xinet Portal, as you are likely to be outside the fire wall.) Contact your Xinet Administrator for a user name and password. Your administrator decides how much administrative control he or she wants to give you, and may limited you to simply viewing print queues and job logs or may allow full control over many administrative functions. Whatever privileges you have, you will be able to employ them system wide.
Xinet also offers SubAdmin= privileges, an alternative that limits administration to a particular Group or Subgroup. (Subadministration provides more information.) Should you have been given both SubAdmin and Administrative Privileges, the more restrictive SubAdmin privileges for Users and Groups will take precedence.
Administrative Privileges may include all or any subset of the following:
The Top-Level Preferences button allows you to establish your Preferences.
To access Portal Administration:
The following window is displayed.
As a user with Administrator privileges, you can set the following Preferences:
Set the preferred archive type to be used when you download assets. (However, you can override this Preference, on a Collection-by-Collection basis, when you download using your Collection.) Choices include:
Mac Zip If you work on a OS X system, this is probably the best option. Assets are compressed and retain the information in their Macintosh Resource forks.
PC Zip If you work on a Windows system, use this option. Useless-to-Windows Macintosh Resource forks are stripped from files as they are compressed.
Uncompressed PC Zip Some Xinet customers have found that uncompressed files are best for their workflow. This is the method to use for Windows clients in such situations.
Uncompressed Mac Zip Some Xinet customers have found that uncompressed files are best for their workflow. This is the method to use for OS X clients in such situations.
This provides a method to log-in to the Xinet server as another user. If you have subadministration privileges, this option makes it easy for you to look at accounts you are setting up.
Organizations may provide a few users with subadministration privileges. If you have these privileges, you will see a Admin button within the Preferences window which will allow you to work in an administrative capacity. Please refer to Subadministration for more information.
The Top Level option allows you to return to regular Xinet use.
If you have been granted subadministration privileges, you may, when necessary, take over basic administration tasks on the Xinet server. When you are authenticated as SubAdmin, you will be able to take on some of the day-to-day administrative tasks for your group.
To authenticate yourself as a subadministrator:
Click on the Preferences icon.
Click Volumes/Users > Users > SubAdmin.
When authenticated as Subadmin, you will see a subset of the tabs seen by the Xinet administrator, including the following:
User Perms
You can take on such tasks as:
Creating subgroups for your organization
Adding existing users to the groups and subgroups
Creating new users and helping those who have forgotten passwords
Subadministrators can only govern a single Xinet group. Other subadministrators sharing your server will not be able to see your area unless the Xinet administrator has also given them subadministration rights for your group.
If you have questions about the interface, talk to your Administrator view, look at the Xinet Administration Guide, or click the Help buttons on each tab in the Administration tabs. (They provide context-sensitive advice for Xinet administration.)