Client Guide : Using Xinet Pilot : Opening a File with Annotations

Opening a File with Annotations
In the Details view, clicking on the Annotations icon launches the Annotations view. From here you add annotations and review annotations and comments other users have applied to the selected asset.
To add annotations to an asset:
In the Details view, click the Open File with Annotations icon under the thumbnail image of the asset.
The Annotation view is displayed.
Use the Collapse tool to see a full view of the original image without the added annotations.
Use the Move tool to relocate added annotations.
Use the Rectangle tool to select an area on the asset to comment on.
Use the Flag tool to mark an area on the asset to comment on.
Use the Stamps tool to drag and drop approval level stamps onto the asset and then add your comment.
Use the Zoom tool to enlarge the preview of the asset. Click and drag the asset to reposition the view.
All annotation added to an asset are marked with the name of the user who added the annotation and the date added. Each are numbered and the corresponding numbers are displayed on the asset at the location added. Once an annotation has been added to an asset, the Annotation icon is displayed in yellow.
Note: You can only delete an annotation you have added before saving your annotations.