Portal Administration Guide : Xinet Portal Server Properties : Logging in and Getting Started with updating Portal Server Properties

Logging in and Getting Started with updating Portal Server Properties
Xinet Portal honors Xinet administration settings. User permissions for file access and metadata viewing and/or editing are set using Xinet administration. While Xinet Portal has the functionality available to reduce or filter the information displayed, it cannot override permissions set in Xinet administration.
Xinet Portal does have administration settings of its own, however. This chapter addresses the significance of those settings and explains how to work with them.
Logging in as the Xinet Portal Administrator
You can take care of basic administration through the Xinet GUI logged in as nativeadmin using the Portal tab or, alternatively, you can log into the Xinet Portal server itself as a user with administration privileges. from the Portal tab. if the Xinet server has multiple Xinet Portal servers set up via nativeadmin, you will see information about all of them.
If successful, you will see a screen like the following:
In the above example, there are four Xinet Portal servers pointing towards the Xinet server. You can edit administrative settings on each Xinet Portal server from within the nativeadmin GUI by using the Edit sub-page for each server. (You’ll have to re-authenticate.)
Alternatively, as shown in the screen below, you can see and change those settings directly on the Xinet Portal server. You’ll have to re-authenticate; if successful, you will see a screen like the following:
Xinet Portal administration seen by a user with administration privileges
Change Administrative Settings
To change administrative settings, from the Xinet Portal server:
Direct your Web browser to the Xinet Portal server’s URL, appending the string /PORTALADMIN to the address. For example, http://111.222.333.44/PORTALADMIN.
Supply the Portal user name and password to authenticate yourself.
Viewing the Xinet Portal Servers in your Environment (The Summary Page)
The Portal > Summary tab lists the Portal servers set up in your environment and the status of each server. This is a good place to check the status of your portal server before contacting Xinet Technical Support.
To view and edit the properties of a Portal Server:
Click Portal > Edit and select a server from the drop-down list. Alternatively, click on the edit icon in the Summary page for the Portal server you want to edit.