The Portal > Edit > Server Details >Server Defaults page allows Administrators to set a large number of configuration settings for a Portal server. Once you make your updates, click Submit (at the bottom of the panel) to apply them.
(Optional) Enable portalDI debugging: Sends output to the Venture Log which can be easily viewed from the Logging > Database page. Default Portal Site Specify the default Portal site from the pull-down.Default Asset Browser Site Specify the default browser site from the pull-down. Portal Request Email Recipient: Email address of the recipient. For multiple users, a mail alias can be configured by the Administrator.SendMail Server: the address and port number for Asset Fulfillment Requests. The Sendmail server’s port is typically 25. Root Volume for AFR copies: Specify the root volume for AFR copies.
When users only have one assigned volume Portal goes directly to BROWSE: The default setting is true (checked). Number of Breadcrumb segments to display as path: The number of path segments shown as breadcrumbs. Use 0 for all segments. 0 is the default. Note that the number applies to the tail-end segments of the path. Display folders in the main area: If set to 'false,' causes folders not to be included in the files displayed in the middle of the browser window. If you want the folders to only be seen in the Navigator, set this setting to 'false'. Use the Portal Navigator: Turning off the Xinet Portal navigator removes the turn-down arrows that allow users to reveal folder contents within the Navigation Bar. You can see the triangles in the image below. Make keyword values available in the Portal Navigator: This option will make the $navkywds_info array available from The $navkywds_info array contains the keywords fields/values for all of the navigator elements and maps the $nav_info array (that contains the files and folders). The pair of arrays $nav_info/$navkywds_info is similar to the pair $files_info/$keywords_info but is exclusive to the navigator items. (Those arrays used to be typically used by portal php customizations in or in custom modules in order to filter assets at the UI level). Include facets in Top Level: When enabled, displays all available facets for all volumes available in Portal.
The maximum number of columns (up to three) in sites that will be used to display the volumes at Top Level, with the column width and spacing being set in CSS. This setting does not effect the Portal Navigator.Note: If the user’s browser window is not wide enough to display the specified number of columns, fewer columns will be displayed in that particular instance. The default value is 1. If you specify the value 0 (or automatic) Xinet Portal will determine the number of columns using increments of ten rows per column, with more than ten rows adding another column. The number of columns, however, will never exceed three. Truncate from center. Else truncate off end: When TRUNCATE_LENGTH has been exceeded and either one of the following options has been engaged, names will be truncated either from the center or the end, depending on this setting. (Col...B&W vs. Color ...).Truncate long file and directory names: When TRUNCATE_LENTH has been exceeded, file, directory and volume names will be truncated according to the TRUNCATE_CENTER setting. (This does not effect the breadcrumb path at the bottom of Exhibit sites.)Truncate long volume names: This option exists for developers who want to use the {VOLUME_NAME} tag in their sites. When that tag is in use and TRUNCATE_LENGTH has been exceeded, volume names will be truncated according to the TRUNCATE_CENTER setting. Set the Max dimension in pixels of the SMALL previews longest side: Use the field to set the maximum dimension, in pixels, of the image's longest side. The value applies to {Small_Preview} or {SP}. However, when $OVERRIDE_SP = true, the size will be limited to the size of the Xinet Large Preview. The default is 112 pixels. Small preview padding color: The color (in Hex) to use to fill the display when any side of a SMALL preview is less than the number of pixels established by SMALL_PREVIEW_MAX. The default is #646464. In effect, this controls the background color surrounding the small preview. Large preview padding color: The color (in Hex) to use to fill the display when any side of a LARGE preview is less than the number of pixels established by LARGE_PREVIEW_MAX. The default is #646464. In effect, this controls the background color surrounding the LARGE preview. Set the Max dimension in pixels of the LARGE previews longest side: Use the field to establish the maximum dimension, in pixels, of the image’s longest side. The value applies to {Large_Preview} and is limited to the size of the Xinet Large Preview. The default is 1400 pixels. Enable MView annotation tools: This option allows you to add/remove the Annotation tool from the mview tool palette. Show preview in Compare tool: Provides users the option of selecting a version date to view a comparison, if more than one version of the asset has been made. Wrap SWF files with flash player object: This variable allows you to disable “wraps” on SWF files. When set to true (the default setting), it “wraps” SWF files with Flash-player object information. Use finder color labels (when assigned) to pad previews: When true will use the {PREVIEW_PAD_COLOR} tag to display FinderFlags information from the database during browsing. (These colors may be set individually by Macintosh users or may be set automatically by the Xinet label Action.) Hide buttons when disabled or inactive: When enabled, hides the following buttons when they are inactive rather than having the site display them using their associated disabled icons. Show Toplevel button, and so on. See the next table.
(TOPLEVEL_DISPLAY) (SEARCH_DISPLAY) When engaged, will allow users to interact with the Xinet Portal Search Engine.
(See the Xinet Client Guide for procedure on how to use our search engines and see our Xinet Administration Guide for information on how to configure search parameters.) (UPLOAD_DISPLAY) When engaged, will display a button that opens the Upload Files dialog. (PREFERENCE_DISPLAY) When engaged, this will display a button that opens the Preferences panel for users where they can change the format in which they download assets, change their passwords if they have appropriate permissions to do so. (TOOL_DISPLAY) (LOGOUT_DISPLAY) (VIEW_DISPLAY) Display the current View icon (Icon, Short, or Long) which then allows users to switch the way in which they are viewing assets. (ICON_VIEW_DISPLAY) (LONG_VIEW_DISPLAY) When enabled, will provide a button that presents files in Long View, where along with any available previews, users will also see those Data Fields that they have permission to see. (GALLERY_VIEW_DISPLAY) When enabled,provides a button that presents files in Gallery View. Additional files in the same folder appear at the bottom of the window. The i icon at the upper left opens a tool bar (palette).Gallery View displays the large Web previews for images from the Xinet database. If your users complain that some images appear to be pixelated in Gallery View, increase the Minimal pixel dimension of previews in the System Volumes/Preview Settings on the Xinet server. This will guarantee images meet a minimum pixels size for better viewing. (LIST_VIEW_DISPLAY) (DOWNLOAD_HIRES_DISPLAY) (DOWNLOAD_FPO_DISPLAY) (BASKET_DISPLAY) (FILE_MANAGER_DISPLAY) (MVIEW_DISPLAY) When enabled, will provide a button that opens a larger mview (image viewing) display of an asset, along with access to the tools palette containing Annotations, Custom Image Order, File Info, etc. (IMAGEINFO_DISPLAY) When enabled, presents a button that allows users to open the Image Info dialog. The {SP} tag will also open Image Info rather than a LARGE preview when it is enabled. By default, it will not be enabled. (ORDER_DISPLAY) When enabled, will display a button with files that are considered images that opens the Custom Image Order form for users who have permission to use it. (STREAM_DISPLAY) Show Versions button (VERSIONS_DISPLAY) When engaged, will display a button that opens the Versions interface where users can promote an earlier copy of an asset to become the “working version” and also create of new versions. Versions provides more information about the interface. (BROWSE_FOLDER_DISPLAY) (REPORT_DISPLAY) Default = false. When engaged, will present an Uploader Distributor button to Xinet Portal users which will allow them to upload assets to the current working directory. Please also see Adding an Uploader Distributor to a site for more information about Uploader Distributors and Xinet Portal. (APPROVALMGR_DISPLAY) On sites where proper Xinet Approval licenses exist, when enabled, displays the Approval Manager button.
Set KW_NAME to use localized values from language.js file on Xinet server: Enables/disables KW_NAME so that it uses localized values from the language.js file on the Xinet server (formerly $SEARCHFIELD_LOCALIZED_NAMES). Used in the past to localize data field names (based on the user’s Xinet language style) in the search pull-down menu, it now localizes data field names in Long-View Browse, Image Info, and Batch Apply. It is no longer necessary to replace {KW_NAME} with {KW_LOCALNAME} in templates to achieve this functionality. Display read only Keywords with no values: The checkbox turns on/off the display of empty keyword fields for view-only users. Show YES/NO boolean as radio buttons: A boolean setting which either enables or disables radio button display when used rather than showing drop-down menus. Keyword name and value separator: Default setting for keyword name and value separation. Must be a valid UTF-8 character. Set a range of years for Portal to use in the drop-down menu of date-type keyword fields: Sets a range of years that Xinet Portal will display in date-type keyword fields drop down menus. For example, 20 would provide up to 20 years of information.Set a start year for the range setting above. Empty value is current year minus (Keyword_year_Range/2): Allows you to establish a starting year for KEYWORD_YEAR_RANGE. A NULL setting will instate the current year minus (KEYWORD_YEAR_RANGE/2).
Enable users to save search options: Enables users to name and save their own Search criteria. Allow sharing of saved searches between users of the same primary group: It is possible for users to save Search criteria which can be shared with other members of the user’s primary group. A checkbox turns on/off the option for site users. It’s effect, however, is dependent on also engaging Enable users to to save search options. (Searches saved by other group members will be marked by an asterisk in the menu list. Saved Searches will be listed in alphanumeric order.) Clear old search queries on search options load: When this option is not engaged, a user will be presented with the Search criteria of the last Search he or she conducted when he or she clicks More Options in the Search dialog. With the option engaged, the prior Search criteria will not be presented automatically.. BLANK first option for popup lists: When engaged, will add a blank (empty) option in the first position of a keyword field when the limited option (drop-down menu) has been specified. By default, it is set to off. When on, it doesn’t change the behavior of the Search Engine; it simply offers a different way to present the pop-up list. Include archived files unless OTHERWISE specified by user: When on, sets default Search behavior to include archived files, even when not specified by the user. When off, all searches will be through online files only, unless the user specifies otherwise through advanced Search options. Predefined quick search settings from searchengine. Zero for default SEARCHALL: [For future development.] Establish whether or not the following Search options will be shown. They are all on by default, which makes a long list of options from which users must choose. Turning off options that aren’t applicable to your site will help make setting Search criteria more efficient for site users.• SEARCH_FIELD_ANNOTATIONS
Determines whether or not Annotations fields will be a searchable pop-up field on the site.• SEARCH_FIELD_ARCHIVED
Determines whether or not users can constrain searches to Archived files on the site.• SEARCH_FIELD_COMMENT
Determines whether or not users can constrain searches using Comments. These Comments are those that have been entered using the Xinet Image Info dialog’s Comments field or the Mac OS 9 Finder Comments field. The field will only appear in Xinet Portal’s mview Metadata panel after information has been entered using one of these methods. (Spotlight Comments aren’t visible in Xinet and Xinet Portal.) To a large degree, use of the Comments described has been replaced by newer Xinet metadata fields.• SEARCH_FIELD_EVENTS
Enables/disables whether or not users will be able to search on events in the file system. Searchable events include Annotation Created, Annotations Edited, Annotations Viewed, Archived, Asset Locked, Asset Timer Expired, Asset Timer Started, Comment Added, Copied, Created, Custom Ordered, Deleted, FPO Created, FPO Downloaded, File Backed-up, File Restored, Hi-Res Downloaded, Image Replacement occurred, Made Folder, Metadata Changed, Metadata set, PDF Preview Created, File Printed, QuarkXPress Preview Created, File Read, Removed folder, Renamed, Set/File/Folder Parameters, Sync requested, Trigger fired, Uploaded, Video Preview, Video Preview Downloaded, Video Preview Viewed, Xinet Archive Event, Web Image Created, Web Preview Downloaded, Written, and XMP Synced with Database.A few event definitions: Created means the beginning time of an event, Written indicates the finishing time; Web Preview Downloaded indicates an interactive file has been looked at using mview, Video Preview Viewed means a small version of a video has been streamed to a browser, and Video Preview Downloaded indicates a small, version has been downloaded to a browser.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILECOLORSPACE
Controls whether file color space options appear as an option in the Search pop-up menu. When the do, users may choose between the following options: Has Mask, 1 Bit, Grayscale, Grayscale with Mask, Indexed Color, RGB Color, RGB Color with Mask, CMYK Color, CMYK Color with Mask, Lab Color, Lab Color with Mask, and RGB High Color.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILECONTENT
Determines whether users can search for textual content within files. Users can apply many different constraints for such searches, including Regular Expressions (defined at Searches are case-sensitive.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEHEIGHT
Determines whether users can search for assets based on the height of the file (in pixels).• SEARCH_FIELD_FILENAME
Determines whether users can search (case-insensitive) for file names.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILERES
Determines whether users can search based on file resolution (in DPI).• SEARCH_FIELD_FILETYPE
Determines whether Filetype appears as a Search constraint. When enabled, users can search for assets with the following constraints: Images, Non-Images, Videos, PDF, QuarkXPress, InDesign, Alias PIX, Art Pro CT, Barco CT, Contex CT, Crosfield, Dalim, Eclipse Tile, EPSF, GIF, JPEG, MSWin BMP, Photo CD, Photoshop Native, Scitex CT, Scitex LW, SGI Imagelib, Sun Raster, TIFF, X Windows Dump, PNG and Illustrator.You can add, remove or modify what appears in this list. Xinet TechNote 319 presents details.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEWIDTHANDHEIGHT
Determines whether the File Width and Height option appears as a Search Field. Takes a single Value (in pixels) that represents both Width and Height.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEWIDTHORHEIGHT
Determines whether the File Width or Height option appears as a Search Field. Takes a single Value (in pixels) that represent either Width or Height.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEWIDTH
Determines whether the File Width option appears as a Search Field. Accepts a single Value (in pixels) that represents a file Width.• SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCHALLFTI
Determines whether Search All Indexed Fields appears as a Search Field. When users use this option, the Search Engine will only look at indexed Fields. Under the right circumstances, say, if only 10 out of 100 Fields have been indexed in an FTI, it will provide faster search results.• SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCHALLKEYWORD
Determines whether Search All Keywords appears as a Search Field. Keywords will include any data contained within Data Fields in the Xinet database that have been assigned to the Template in use. The Permission Set must also have the Searchable option enabled.• SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCHALL
Determines whether Search All appears as a Search Field in a complex Search. This will search through all the fields in the database. A Quick Search performs a Search All operation using the Contains flag. When initiated through a complex Search, users may use a wide variety of flags, including Regular Expressions (defined at• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOBITRATE
Determines whether Video Bit Rate (using Bits per second) appears as a Search Field, meaning users can search for assets of varying audio or video quality.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOCODEC
Determines whether Video Codec appears as a Search Field. Users view this information within File Info panels.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEODURATION
Determines whether Video Duration appears as a Search Field. Video Duration is measured in milliseconds. Xinet Portal users can view this information within mview Info panels.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOFORMAT
Determines whether Video Format appears as a Search Field. Users will find this information within File Info panels.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOHEIGHT
Determines whether Video Height appears as a Search Field and allows users to type in a Value (in pixels) that can be used during a Search. Xinet Portal users find this information within the mview Info panel.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOWIDTHANDHEIGHT
Determines whether Video Width and Height appears as a Search Field and allows users to type in a single Value (in pixels) for Width and Height. Details appear in mview Info panels.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOWIDTHORHEIGHT
Determines whether Video Width or Height appears as a Search Field and allows users to type in a single Value (in pixels) for either Width or Height. Details appear in File Info panels.• SEARCH_FIELD_VIDEOWIDTH
Determines whether Video Width appears as a Search Field and allows users to type in a Value (in pixels) that can be used during a Search. Users find this information within the File Info panel.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEDIR
Determines whether File/Folder appears as a Search Field with one of three possible Values: File, Folder or Files or Folders. Only useful when used in conjunction with another Search Field.• SEARCH_FIELD_FILEICCPROFILE
Determines whether ICC profiles (read from the iccprofile column of the highresinfo table, FieldID 7) appear as a search option.• Maximum number of connections per username. 0 for unlimited (MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS)
Number of concurrent Xinet Portal logins per user ID you want to allow. Using 0 provides an unlimited number and deactivates MAX_SESSION_INACTIVITY.• Message to display when MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS is hit (MAX_USER_MSG)
“You may not log in” message for when the number of logins allowed for that user name has been exceeded.• Maximum time in seconds a user can be idle. 0 for unlimited. (MAX_SESSION_INACTIVITY)
Maximum length of time, in seconds, that a user can be idle before he/she will automatically be logged off. Note: This setting can cause problems for users when the clock on the Xinet Portal server is incorrect.• Message to display when MAX_SESSION_INACTIVITY is hit (MAX_INACTIVITY_MSG)
Message stating something like, “Your session has expired.” If a user is automatically logged off, a blank login screen bearing this message will appear.• Message to display when a user can not be authenticated to Xinet server (LOGIN_FAIL_MSG)
A message, such as “Incorrect User Name and/or Password” which displays when a user provides incorrect authentication information.