Portal Administration Guide : Customize Xinet Portal : Procedure

To add a Default Uploader:
Mount the Macfiles volume from the Xinet server and copy the Uploader Manager.zip file to a client desktop.
Uncompress the zip file and double-click on the Installer to install the current version of the Uploader Manager.
Launch the Uploader Manager and open its Preferences, as shown in Figure 4.
Click the Managed Servers option, add a New Host by typing in the Xinet Portal server’s URL, then click OK to register the address.
This will close the Preferences and reveal the Uploader Manager again.
Use the pop-up list in the Uploader Manager’s upper left corner to select the Xinet Portal server you’ve just added to the Managed Server list.
Enter the PORTALADMIN password when requested to do so. If you haven’t already configured a Default configuration, you must do it now. (The configuration must be named Default.) If you already have a Default configuration, skip to Step 10.
Answer Yes to the question, Would you like to create one now? This will open the Configuration Creation Wizard.
Enter the Xinet Portal Server URL (including the site name), a Username and its Password., then click Next.
Note: The Username and Password you enter will eventually be overwritten by the Username/Password of the user who downloads an Uploader from the Uploader Distributor.
When you have finished you should see a Default Uploader configuration for your server in the Uploader Manager. If everything is working properly, after authentication, you should, as a test, be able to download a copy of the Uploader using:
Each site’s PORTALADMIN, Configuration page contains a Show Distributor button option under Display Options. (See Show Distributor button (DISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY) in Portal Configuration: Display Options (2), Toggles.
Open the template where you want to insert the Uploader Distributor with an editor. and insert something like:
<a class="_img_pad button_container {DISTRIBUTOR_ICON} {DISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY}" href="{DISTRIBUTOR_LINK}" title="{LANG_DISTRIBUTOR}" onClick="return confirm('You are about to download an Uploader application. Do you want to proceed?')"><label class="button_label">{LANG_DISTRIBUTOR}</label></a>