Administration Guide : More Details about Triggers and Actions : Setting Environment Variables for Subsequent Use

Setting Environment Variables for Subsequent Use
You may pass on Environment Variables to Actions within a Trigger Set. The Action Environment provides an overview of Environment Variables. The move Action that ships with Xinet provides an example, quoted below.
# In order to allow successive actions to pick up changes to 
# environment variables, the new values have to be sent back to 
# the parent via a simple 'echo' to stdout.  The variable has
# be in the form:
# eg.
# echo **FILENAME=/mypath/myfile.out
It actually appears in the Unix-version of the script as:
# Update FILENAME environment variable
echo "**FILENAME=$xdestfile"
And, in the Windows version, as:
ECHO **FILENAME=%xdest%\%xfileshort%
This basically passes on the variable to be defined in the environment of the subsequent Actions. Note that the FILENAME is special in that if that value is set, it will also update its related environment values URLPATHNAME and HTMLPATHNAME which are derivatives of the current FILENAME. Obviously, any random variable name may be set, but still have the same constraints as regular variable names like, no spaces, special characters, etc.