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2. In the Name field, type name of the data field.
3. In the Description field, type a description.
5. Optional - Select the check box Save into an XMP Packet to embed any changes made by users to the XMP metadata using an Adobe application (Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop) or any other application that uses Adobe-compliant XMP packets.
6. Optional - Type in a new value in the Maximum Length box. The default is 64. This value establishes the maximum number of characters a text field can contain. This value can not be edited later.
7. Optional - Type in a new value in the Field Columns box. The default is 14. This value determines how many of the field’s characters are displayed at one time in the user’s browser.Note: If the number is smaller than the Maximum Length value, text will disappear from view as the number of characters that the user enters exceeds the Field Columns value. The user can shift the cursor position to see any text temporarily hidden from view.
8. Optional - Set the Facet option to group assets together.
9. Optional - Set the Set local.js Variable to specify an alternate name displayed for the user rather than the actual XMP-compliant Data Field Name. The maximum name length is 128 characters. This option allows users to display browser local encoding without XMP constraints for spaces and special characters.
10. Optional - Type in a value in the Field Rows box to specify how many rows of text is displayed in a row.
11. Click Add.
12. Click Save.Note: Add and Edit - Is used to edit and add additional data field constrains. For more information see, To add a pop-up menu to a data field:.
1. On the Database > Data Field > Edit Field view, select the name of the data field you want to edit in the Name field.
2. Note: If you’re converting what was once a type-in field to a pop-up list and you want to preserve the values that end users have previously entered in the field as choices in the pop-up list, click on the Add Current Values. The Pop-up Values list will show you what those values are. Use this feature in conjunction with a Field Type option (set under the Database, Permission Sets, Edit Permission Set as explained here Editing permission sets) to help users enter metadata in a consistent manner.
5. Alternatively, Select Use Current Value to base the pop-up list on the current values assigned to a field from any file on the server.
The list is drawn dynamically from the current values. Users with permission to add values will effectively be adding to the list; users without permission will see only pop-up values for the field.
6. Click Save.An integer is what we traditionally think of as a “counting number” or whole number. Integers can have negative value; but, you can’t express fractions or decimal values. Integers are limited in size to values between -2147483648 and +2147483647. If you need to express larger values or fractions, you should use a floating point field instead. See Adding a Floating Point Field for more information.
2. Note: Both fields are limited to 64 character. Data field names cannot use special characters or spaces.
4. Optional - Select the Save into an XMP Packet to embed any changes made by users to the XMP metadata using an Adobe application (Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop) or any other application that uses Adobe-compliant XMP packets.
6. Optional - Set the Set local.js Variable to specify an alternate name to display for the data field name. This option allows users to display browser local encoding without XMP constraints for spaces and special characters.
7. In the Integer Type drop-down menu, select one of the following options:• SMALLINT (2 bytes)
Integers of type SMALLINT only take 2 bytes of storage. You can represent values between -32768 and +32767.• TINYINT (1 byte)
Integers of type TINYINT take even less storage, for example., 1 byte each. You can represent values between -128 and +127.• INT (4 bytes)
Integers of the type INT always consume 4 bytes of storage. The trade-off is that you can store values between -2147483686 (2 gig) and +214748647.• BIGINT (8 bytes)
Integers of the type INT always consume 8 bytes of storage. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
8. In the Field Size field, type a value.
This determines the size of the type-in box that end users see in their browsers. The default value is 14.
9. Optional - Click the Facet check box to enable display facets in the Portal Filters tab and Pilot Refine Results tab.
10. Click on the Add
11. Click Save.Note: Add and Edit - Is used to edit and add additional data field constrains. For more information see, To add a pop-up menu to a data field:.Floating point, because of its flexibility, is the most common way of representing real numbers on computers. It stands in contrast to fixed point representation, where the degree of accuracy is limited to a given number of digits. Basically, floating point allows you to express real numbers that can be either very large, by virtue of the large number of digits before the decimal point or very precise, by virtue of the large number of digits after the decimal point. You can express values ranging from -1 x 10244 to -1 x 10-30, 0, 1 x 10-30 to 1 x 10244.
2. Note: Both fields are limited to 64 character. Data field names cannot use special characters or spaces.
4. Optional - Select the Save into an XMP Packet to embed any changes made by users to the XMP metadata using an Adobe application (Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop) or any other application that uses Adobe-compliant XMP packets.
5. Optional - Set the Set local.js Variable to specify an alternate name to display for the data field name. This option allows users to display browser local encoding without XMP constraints for spaces and special characters.
6. Optional - In the Total Digits field, type a value.The Total Digits value sets the number of digits which includes the number of digits on both sides of the decimal point plus one for the decimal point itself and the another to allow for the possibility of a negative sign).This value must be an integer between 1 and 244.
7. Optional - In the Field Size field, type a value.
9. In the Decimal Digits field, type a value.
The Decimals value may be from 0 to 30; but, should not exceed two less than the Total value.
10. Note: Add and Edit - Is used to edit and add additional data field constrains. For more information see, To add a pop-up menu to a data field:.
2. Note: Both fields are limited to 64 character. Data field names cannot use special characters or spaces.
4. Optional - Click Save into an XMP Packet embed any changes made by users to the XMP metadata using an Adobe application (Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop) or any other application that uses Adobe-compliant XMP packets.
5. Optional - Set the Set local.js Variable to specify an alternate name to display for the data field name. This option allows users to display browser local encoding without XMP constraints for spaces and special characters.
7. Optional - Set the Facet option to group assets together.
8. Click Add.Note: Add and Edit - Is used to edit and add additional data field constrains. For more information see, To add a pop-up menu to a data field:.
1. Open the Database > Data Fields > Edit Fields.
2. On the Name field, select the date data field to edit.
The Data Fields Values options are displayed.
3. Optional: In the Default Value options, select the Use Default Value check box and specify the default value.
4. Optional: In the Default Value options, select the Set existing NULL values to default value. If the end user does not enter a date, the default date value is used.
5. Optional: In the Popup Values options, select Use Custom Pop-up Values.
8. Optional - Click Use Current Values.
9. Click Save.
2. Note: Both fields are limited to 64 character. Data field names cannot use special characters or spaces.
4. Optional - Click Save into an XMP Packet embed any changes made by users to the XMP metadata using an Adobe application (Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop) or any other application that uses Adobe-compliant XMP packets.
5. Optional - Set the Display Type.• Checkbox• Yes//No
7. Optional - Set the Set local.js Variable to specify an alternate name to display for the data field name. This option allows users to display browser local encoding without XMP constraints for spaces and special characters.
8. Click Add.