Exactly what happens when a user enables WebNative XT or Xinet Support ID and drags an image from a Web browser into a InDesign document depends on whether or not the user has direct access to the Xinet volume where Xinet service originates. Most customers will be using Xinet through remote access, that is, without the volume mounted on their desktops.
These users must already have permission to download FPOs. If they do, they may drag an image from a Xinet window to a InDesign picture box.
Xinet Support ID will instruct the browser to download the fpo of that image. After downloading is complete, the
InDesign plug-in will decompress the image, and place it into a folder called
WebNative Downloads. This folder will appear in the default download folder for the browser. In addition, the InDesign plug-in will embed additional information about the fpo in the InDesign document so that when the user uploads the document to the Xinet server, the service provider can use
Picture Wrangler to automatically relink the images that have been placed in it.