Portal Administration Guide : Customize Xinet Portal : Advanced Xinet Portal Tags: _Using Keyword Tags

Advanced Xinet Portal Tags: _Using Keyword Tags
Keyword tags occur in two contexts:
$dirkywd_info, $keyword_info, and $keywords_info arrays
$files_info, $file_info, and $dir_info arrays
The $dirkywd_info, $keyword_info, and $keywords_info arrays
These arrays list information on a per-keyword basis for each file. Each file has a sub-array of keywords, and each keyword sub-array has a further sub-array containing the tags below. They are available in keyword cells.
{KW} This is in the form keyword###[xxx], where ### represents the Xinet keyword ID, and xxx the Xinet file ID for the file in question.
{KW_DBVALUE} For date keywords, this is the date value as stored in the database (in Unix time format). For non-date keywords, this is identical to {KW_VALUE}.
{KW_DESC} The Xinet database keyword description.
{KW_DROPMENU} A pop-up menu with pop-up values for the keyword. Only exists if the field has been defined as a pop-up.
{KW_EDITABLE} Whether or not the user can edit the keyword (0 for no, 1 for yes).
{KW_HTML} The HTML interface for editing the keyword value for the file.
{KW_ID} The Xinet database keyword ID (for example, 134).
{KW_LOCALNAME} The localized name for the keyword. This tag defaults to {KW_NAME} if no localized name has been defined in the user’s language style.
{KW_NAME} The Xinet database keyword name.
{KW_VALUE} The value assigned to the keyword for the file (It will not exist if the file does not have a value assigned for this keyword.)
{KW_VALUEERROR_RANGE} Express constraints on keyword Fields as defined
{KW_VALUEERROR_VALUE} within the Xinet database, for example,
{KW_VALUEERROR_PRECISION} DataField value out of valid range, Enter numerals only
{KW_VALUEERROR_GENERAL} in this field, DataField has too many digits, That value
not acceptable range
, etc. Messages vary according to
type of DataField.
All Browse/Image Info tags, with, in addition:
{KW_FLAG} Search flags from Xinet
{KW_LOGIC} Search logic (and/or/not)
All Browse/Image Info tags, with, in addition:
{KW_MODTYPE} Drop-down list for append/replace in Batch Apply.
The $files_info, $file_info, and $dir_info arrays
These arrays contain information for each file or directory. Each file/directory has a sub-array which contains, among many other tags, the following tags for each keyword. They are available in files/file/dir cells.
{KEYWORD_DTA} A trigger button for this keyword for directories, not defined for files.
{KEYWORD_HTML} The HTML interface for editing the keyword value for the file.
{KEYWORD_ID} The Xinet database keyword ID.
{KEYWORD_NAME} The Xinet database keyword name.
{KEYWORD_TA} A trigger button for this keyword. (See "Localization tags” on page 771 for details). This is defined only for files, not directories.
{KEYWORD_VALUE} The value of the keyword for the file. This only exists if the value is not NULL.
where KEYWORD represents the Data Field’s name in all UPPER CASE letters, with special characters and spaces replaced by underscores. For example, if the user had three keywords set with the following names: Job Number, Author, and xap:CreateDate, each entity in the $files_info/$file_info/$dir_info arrays would have each of these tags:
Please note: for the keyword value to be displayed, the keyword must be set to Visible, Searchable, and Browseable in the Permission Set assigned to the user.